With a specialization and over 40 years of experience in developing and producing ready-made bouquets, they hold a specific position in the bouquet market. The company works with a wide range of bouquets tailored for diverse target audiences, maintaining an excellent price-quality ratio.

Through this acquisition, 35 years of close collaboration between Wiesmeijer and various companies within VDP Group are transformed into a partnership between both entities. While Wiesmeijer contributes a diverse range of bouquets for various target audiences with an excellent price-quality ratio, VDP Group provides specialized support across various domains.

Ben Dijkdrent, director of Wim Wiesmeijer, indicates that the decision to join VDP Group was carefully considered. “Especially the support in IT, HR, sourcing, marketing, finance, BI, and sustainability, which are increasingly crucial and require substantial investments to excel, have been decisive. The solid relationships developed over 35 years of close collaboration naturally played a significant role. This allows us to fully concentrate on furthering the company’s growth and ensuring the satisfaction of our customers.”