After the successful first period, this cooperation is made official and the package is expanded to include office supplies, workwear and canteen supplies. We can no longer ignore it: joint procurement is so much more efficient!

Joint quest for sustainability
Less plastic, less waste and more recycling was high on our list of priorities. And so we began our joint search for new packaging and ways to achieve our sustainable goals. With FM Group, we had a lot of common ground in the field of sustainability, which was the starting point of our cooperation.

Ferry Schoneveld (sourcing manager VDP Group): “I am very enthusiastic about this cooperation! It creates plenty of new opportunities for product development and further sustainability of these product groups”.

More cost effectiveipurchasing and simple stock managament
This cooperation offers plenty of economies of scale. VDP Group can purchase more efficiently, and it is also easier to organise and manage the stock together. If one company has something left over and another is short, we can now switch more quickly. Ferry explains: “Through a centralised approach, we work more efficiently and better.”

About 4bulk
4Bulk is the purchasing company of FM Group. From 1 January 2022 VDP Group will take a 50-50 stake in the company 4-Bulk. Last year’s trial run brought enormous benefits, which is why VDP Group is making the partnership official and expanding it to include more items such as office and canteen items and workwear. Gijs

Noort, General Manager of 4-Bulk looks forward with satisfaction: “This cooperation ensures a strong position in important areas such as sustainability and product development. Nothing but advantages!

More efficient, more cost-effective and better work through one central approach’.