
Launch of Project F as a new brand for e-commerce activities
We are launching the new E-tail brand Project F. Project F handles all e-commerce activities for companies within VDP Group. Project F also operates independently as a brand and responds to market needs and the growing (online) playing field. Here’s to a good year!



Busy but successful months
February is the month of love with festive Valentine’s Day. This immediately starts the busiest period of the year, which continues until French Mother’s Day. All companies demand the utmost from their employees during this period, but this is certainly not without result. Thanks to your tremendous efforts, our turnover has grown again. Heart-warming to see, so thank you!




Sustainability certificate awarded
Our ambition in the area of sustainability is laid down in a sustainability vision. This vision is based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the United Nations and translated into different goals per company. In March, Summaflor obtained the Global GAP Chain of Custody and MPS-Florimark GTP certificates. Niels Slottje received this certificate as the crowning glory of Summaflor’s hard work. Congratulations!


Family of companies
The logos of all VDP Group companies are displayed at the entrance. In this way, it is immediately clear to visitors who all belong to our family. This should also be shown to the outside world; after all, we are proud of who we are! That is why our logos are now also displayed along the football fields of Quick Boys, Rijnsburgse Boys, VV Katwijk and VV Noordwijk. Yes, VDP Group may be seen!


Successful Mother’s Day drive-in
In May, we put out the flowers for all the mothers in the VDP Group family. On Saturday morning, they receive a sweet treat and a blooming surprise at the Mother’s Day drive-in. Cars full of beaming women left the auction grounds, making it a very successful action.



Golden Jubilee
Van der Plas Group exists 50 years. In May, we will kick off this golden jubilee with the special jubilee edition of the VDP Group magazine. The party was planned to be celebrated together on the family day; unfortunately, this could not take place due to the measures. So we will keep it in reserve!


Well-deserved holiday period
After months of hard work, it is time for a well-deserved holiday. Some employees stay in the Netherlands, others go further afield. In any case, we are all going to enjoy and relax!


Chateau Domain
Hotel group Les Domaines de Fontenille wants to decorate their location Chateau Domain spectacularly. That goal is more than achieved! Bries aan Zee takes care of the contact, the product range and the team; Greenflor supplies the dried flowers. The result? Chic high ceilings, fully decorated with a palette of dazzling dried flowers. Let those hotel guests come!


Successful pop-up store Dutch Masters in Dried Flowers
At the head of Amsterdam’s 9 Straatjes, at Prinsengracht 234, Dutch Masters in Dried Flowers will open a stunning dried flower pop-up store. Here, Greenflor’s dried flower brand presents its brand-new collection to customers. This is a great success!




Accelerating on sustainability
Since this month, VDP Group has been part of the Versnellers, the initiative which is fully committed to a future-proof floriculture sector. Marketing Manager John Zwaan explains: “In a sector in which you work so closely with all the links in the chain, you really have to do it together. To succeed, you need focus and clarity. That is what the group of accelerators offers, which represents a large part of the market share in floriculture.”



G.J. de Ruijter joins Greenflor
GJ de Ruijter has been based in Aalsmeer for decades, supplying top-quality flowers and foliage. They supply the most exclusive flowers and foliage directly from the grower and are experts in various niche products. Alain de Mooij of Greenflor: “GJ de Ruijter’s products are a perfect addition to Greenflor’s niche range. This allows us to provide our customers with an even broader range. ”



Relocation HBX
HBX moves to twice the size of the building close to the boulevard in Noordwijk.
That means twice as much HBX-inspiration! In December, they will move into their new home at Herenweg 102, Noordwijk.